Regions · Indonesia

The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry requires all new gasoline vehicles meet Euro 4 emission standards starting in September 2018 and all new diesel vehicles to meet Euro 4/IV emission standards starting in April 2021, replacing the current Euro 2/II emission standard requirements. As of 1 Jan 2017, diesel fuel is limited to 2500 ppm sulfur nationwide, while 500 ppm sulfur diesel is available in some jurisdictions. Indonesia has eliminated the use of leaded gasoline and is gradually tightening the sulfur content of both diesel and gasoline in line with the adopted emission standards.
Pages in Indonesia
Indonesia: Motorcycles: Emissions
Current Standard: Euro 2 (or Euro 3 for 2-wheelers with engine displacement >50cm3), MoEF Regulation No.23/2012…
Indonesia: Light-duty: Emissions
Current Standard: Euro 4 equivalent, MoEF Regulation No. P.20/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/3/2017…
Indonesia: Heavy-duty: Emissions
Current Standard: MoEF Decree No. P.20/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/3/2017 (Euro IV equivalent)…
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