Thailand: Light-duty: Emissions

Thailand: Light-duty: Emissions


While both emissions standards track those of Europe, Thailand’s Light-Duty standards are slightly ahead of its Heavy-Duty Standards, with Euro IV for the former and Euro III for the latter.

Standard type
Conventional pollutant emission limits

Current Standard
Euro 4 (in Thai)

All vehicles in categories M1, M2, and N1 with a reference mass not exceeding 3500kg.


Thailand has subscribed to the Euro system of light-duty vehicle emissions standards since May 1998. Light-duty vehicles in Thailand are currently under Euro 4 emissions standards.

Emission standards for on-road vehicles in Thailand are administered by the Pollution Control Department (PCD) and adopted by the Ministry of Industry (MOI).

The Pollution Control Department was established on June 4, 1992, under the Royal Decree on the Organizational Division of Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, as result of the Enhancement and Conversation of the National Environment Quality Act of B.E. 2535 (1992).

Technical Standards

New Vehicle Regulations

New light duty gasoline vehicle regulations are based on European standards and emission test procedures, as summarized in the following table.

Emissions Standards for New Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles
Thai Regulation Reference Standard Number of Seats CO HC+NOx HC NOx Enforcement Date
Level 1
ECE R 15-04 Grams per test
≤ 9 58-110 19-28
Level 2
ECE R 83 ≤ 6 25-45 6.5-28 3.5 to 6 30 Mar 1995
> 6 58-110 19-23
Level 3
ECE R 83-01 (B)
Euro 1 (passenger cars)
Grams per kilometer 30 Mar 1995
≤ 6 2.72 0.97
Grams per test
> 6 58-100 19-28
Level 4
Euro 1 (PC and light trucks)
Grams per kilometer 1 Jan 1997
≤ 6 2.27 0.97
> 6 2.72-9.9 0.97-1.7
Level 5
Euro 2
≤ 6 2.20 0.5 1 Jan 1999
> 6 2.72-6.9 0.97-1.7
Level 6
Euro 2
≤ 6 2.20 0.5 25 Aug 1999
> 6 2.2-5.0 0.5-0.7
Level 7
1999/102/EC (A)
Euro 3
≤ 6 2.3 0.2 0.15 10 Jan 2005
> 6 2.3-5.22 0.2-0.29 0.15-0.21
Level 8 1999/102/EC (B)
Euro 4
≤ 6 2.2 0.1 0.08 2012
> 6 1.0-2.27 0.1-0.16 0.08-0.11

New light-duty diesel vehicle regulations are based on European standards and emission test procedures, as summarized in the following table.

Emissions Standards for New Compression Ignition Light-Duty Vehicles
Thai Regulation Reference Standard Number of Seats CO HC+NOx NOx PM Enforcement Date
Level 1
ECE R 83-C Grams per test 29 Jan 1995
≤ 6 30-45 8-5 6.0
> 6 58-100 19-28
25-45 6.5-15 3.5-6
Level 2
ECE R 83-01 App. C Grams per kilometer 23 Feb 1996
≤ 6 2.72 0.97 0.14
Grams per test
> 6 58-110 19-28
Level 3
Euro 1
Grams per kilometer 1 Jan 1997
≤ 6 2.72 0.97 0.14
> 6 2.72-6.9 0.97-1.7 0.14-0.25
Level 4
Euro 2
≤ 6 1.0 0.7 0.08 1 Jan 1999
> 6 2.72-6.9 0.97-1.7 0.14-0.25
Level 5
Euro 2
≤ 6 1.0 0.7 0.08 25 Aug 2001
> 6 1.0-1.5 0.7-1.2 0.08-0.17
Level 6
1999/102/EC (A)
Euro 3
≤ 6 0.64 0.56 0.5 0.05 10 Jan 2005
> 6 0.64-0.95 0.56-0.86 0.50-0.78 0.05-0.1
Level 7 1999/102/EC (B)
Euro 4
≤ 6 0.5 0.3 0.25 0.025 2012
> 6 0.5-0.74 0.3-0.46 0.25-0.39 0.025-0.06

Detailed emissions standards for light duty diesel vehicles from 1995-2001, including specific limit values according to reference mass, can be found on this page.

In-Use Vehicle Regulations

In-use gasoline vehicles in Thailand must meet the following standards.

In-Use Gasoline Vehicle Standards1  
Registration Date Pollutant Limit Measurement Equipment Measurement Method
Listed before Nov 1 1993 CO
NDIR No load, engine idling
Registered since Nov 1 1993 CO
NDIR No load, engine idling
Registered since Jan 1 2007 CO
NDIR No load, engine idling
Note: NDIR – Nondispersive Infrared Sensor

In-use diesel vehicles in Thailand must meet the following black smoke standards.

In-Use Black Smoke Emissions Standards for Diesel Vehicles  
Limit Measurement method
Without load
45% Opacity
50% Filter paper
With load
35% Opacity
40% Filter paper

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