In Supreme Decree 014-2021-EM, Peru’s Ministry of Energy and Mines set maximum fuel sulfur standards of less than 50 ppm for diesel fuels by July 1, 2021, and 50 ppm in gasoline and gasohols by July 1, 2022. The Decree also establishes a schedule for the commercialization of fuels with less than 10 ppm sulfur content no later than March 31st, 2024.
Standard type
Fuel quality
Regulating Body
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM)
Current Standard
50-ppm sulfur content for Diesel and Gasoline
Future Standard
10-ppm sulfur content for Diesel and Gasoline
All gasoline and diesel fuel sold for motor vehicles nationwide, except for the departments of Loreto and Ucayali.
The Ministry of Energy and Mines regulates fuel quality standards in Peru for transport and non-transport fuels. MINEM was first given the authority to regulate diesel fuel sulfur content through Supreme Decree No. 042-2005-EM. The passage of Law No. 28694 in March 2006 established limits of 50 ppm sulfur content for diesel fuels by 2016 and 50 ppm in gasoline by 2017. The full implementation of this law was subject to delays in enforcement due to limitations in refining capacity. As a result, sulfur levels remained as high as 1,500 ppm in certain parts of the country. Despite this, Ministerial decree No. 139-2012-MEM-DM made the sale of diesel fuels with a sulfur level above 50ppm illegal in Lima, Arequipa, Cusco, Puno y Madre de Dios (Callao) 120 days after its signing into law in March 2012. In the following years, the diesel 50 ppm limit was implemented in various other regions, but not nationally. Supreme Decree 025-2017-EM enumerated the ≥ 50 ppm sulfur cap for high octane (95, 97, and 98) fuels in 2018.
The passage of Supreme Decree 041-2021-EM on May 20th, 2021, put in place a timeline for the complete nationwide adoption of both ≤50 ppm sulfur diesel and gasoline fuels. The Decree requires diesel fuels to meet the 50-ppm limit on July 1st, 2021, and gasoline and gasohol fuels to meet the limit the following year. The Departments of Loreto and Ucayali are excluded from this requirement due to their remoteness and the logistical difficulties of supplying them with the necessary fuels. Supreme Decree 041-2021-EM also standardizes the marketing of fuels, creating four categories: gasoline, premium gasoline, gasohol, and premium gasohol.
Technical Standards
Under Supreme Decree 041-2021-EM, all fuels sold in Peru, including diesel, gasoline, and gasohols, must not exceed 50-ppm sulfur content. The Decree also standardizes the marketing of fuels, creating four categories: gasoline, and gasohol, which have an Octane number of 91, and premium gasoline and gasohol, which have an Octane number of 97, but temporarily allows for the sale of 84-octane gasolines in the departments of Amazonas, Loreto, Madre de Dios, and San Martin through June 30, 2023. The Departments of Loreto and Ucayali are exempt from the 50-ppm requirements for diesel fuels, low octane (Regular) gasoline, and gasohol.
Regulatory Documents
Supreme Decree No. 042-2005-EM
Supreme Decree No. 041-2021-EM
Other Resources
Case-study: Adoption of low fuel-sulfur standards in Peru – ICCT Working Paper Feb. 2016

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