EU: Fuels: Biofuel Specifications

EU: Fuels: Biofuel Specifications


The EU regulations described below outline the fuel content standards for Biodiesel and Ethanol. This includes specifications for gasoline that is blended with ethanol.

Technical Standards

The following standards establish the specifications for biofuels in the European Union:


  • EN 14214 includes specifications for fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) fuel for diesel engines. B100 that meets this standard could be used unblended in a diesel engine (if the engine has been adapted to operate on B100) or blended with petroleum diesel fuel.
  • EN 590, the European diesel fuel specification, is also applicable to biodiesel blends up to 7% of FAME.


  • EN 15376 establishes specification for ethanol to be blending into gasoline in the EU.
  • EN 228, the European gasoline fuel specification, is also applicable to ethanol blends up to 5%.

Information on EU biofuel policy can be found at EU: Fuels: Biofuel Policy. Technical standards for diesel and gasoline can be found at EU: Fuels: Diesel and Gasoline.

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